Thursday, June 19, 2008

March on ye Warriors and Warriors-to-be (but don't march too hard)

Today I begin to incorporate some Ayurvedic prescribed dietary changes to bring about more balance--less heat, more cool, less fire, more ice, less sun, more moon. I had my first accupuncture session yesterday, pretty amazing. Interesting how some of the needles have an electrical vibration to them as they are adjusted, inserted, or removed, such energy.

The sweet cleaning ladies come this morning which is good, but my routine will be slightly interrupted in that I'll need to stay here and skip morning class. Dale will run errands and I've got to get busy soon. Gary and Fred, I was thinking how much I've enjoyed our weekly Tuesday evening gatherings over the past year plus, and how much I appreciate the friendship, the sharing, the conversation, the support, and definitely the naked dancing that was so liberating and so much fun! But, all things reach an end, and I guess our time had come, what with such busy scheduleds you two have. Love you guys and will miss those special gatherings.

We watched Shelter last night, a really sweet movie set in San Pedro CA, a gay love story, coming out, coming of age, the crazy family and the choices we make and how they have such a profound effect on our lives, and also how the pull of family when dysfunction is going on can also have a profound effect on our lives. The acting was so good, so natural. The protaganist's name was Zach, and he was very much the surrogate father to his nephew, which reminds me of my own nephew, yet another Zach, and how I need to make arrangements to have him stay with us this summer. What will we do in this heat? It can be pretty demanding trying to entertain a kid. Maybe we can take the trapeze course if it's being offered at the Crossing, need to check on some things. I'm sure Roger will have ideas.

Wayo, it was good seeing you the other night and so sweet of you to share a bit of your recent trip to Israel and Jordan. I wonder if I will ever see Petra, it's high on my list. Oh yea, yoga yoga, I took a class recently at Yoga Yoga--hadn't been there in a while--and spent some time chatting afterwards with the teacher, an especially nice guy. I told him of my fears of enrolling in the Teacher Training progam and he seems to have acquired quite a mature understanding of *life* for someone so young....when I got home I had received some books in the mail and the first one I opened, the first passage I read, in the middle of the book was:

"Entering your own fear-based pain allows you to begin to relate to the pain of others. And thus you can experience a sense of kinship with humanity."


"As we feel the pain that all people feel in facing an uncontrollable world, compassion naturally arises--even for our 'enemies'".

[excerpt from Saying Yes to Life (Even the Hard Parts) by Ezra Bayda with Josh Bartok]

So true. Serendipitous. Fortuitous. I filled out my application and turned it in along with my deposit. Juan said "awesome, dude, you are in!" And I'm a bit scared and I know that is totally okay, in fact, it's damn good to acknowledge that! Which reminds me, I miss our therapy sessions, Allen. I may call soon. You taught me so much, and reminded me how important it is to acknowledge and embrace our shadows, no matter how dark. While I'm at it, I also miss the beautiful guys at group therapy, hope you are all continuing your excellent work, marching on towards your goals, reaching out, sharing. It was time for me to leave, and it was a good decision.

I'm enjoying blogging in my stream of consciousness sort of way. It's scary thinking that others might read what I write. Journaling for me has always been so personal. It will be hard to censor myself here but in some way I suppose I will need to. Hmm, I'll give that more thought.

Time marches on and I need to get in my lunar breathing and meditation, prepare for the ladies.
