I was reading a book for class that talked about the importance of play. Play being that sense of interaction we have with ourselves and others and the world around us whereby we just don't take things so damn seriously. When we play with a sense of awe, of wonderment, of openness, of genuine compassion and caring for what's happening and remain open to what comes, we make living and learning a more authentic and joyful experience. Don't we all need this? That's not to say we play carelessly or without regard for consequences--quite the contrary. The word that describes this in Sanskrit is lila. Although I may have read this definition before, my memory is quite sketchy at times but I knew that was the name of an Anusara inspired yoga teacher's blog that I find quite interesting and sometimes just awesome to read. So I went there and was really more than just a little moved that he (Jeremiah) had made reference to me in a recent posting, and called me his friend, and I wasn't sure he had a clue who I was (actually I thought he probably disliked me). Sometimes the smallest things we do that are of a kind and compassionate nature can have consequences of a positive nature that we may never know about. Sometimes a stranger will give me a smile that just reaches deep down inside and gently massages my heart in a way that feels so incredibly healing, sometimes in a profound way. And sometimes it's exactly what I really needed in that moment. But I must admit, I have to be open and vulnerable myself and awake to what's going on. (Of course sometimes I can get negative vibes from people that tell me they are deeply troubled by fear and suffering, and I just try to breathe in a little bit of their sadness and breathe out positive energy; who knows, it may do nothing for them but it makes me feel good.
And I think of all the times I've been in that place of fear.)
My friend Brian has talked a great deal about his close and his long time friend, an elderly woman in her mid to late eighties. I've never met her but I've heard so much about her over the years. My friend Hank, Brian's partner, is a very gifted artist and writer. His drawings are just phenomenal, and all the more so as he's visually impaired and yet his ability to see and express intense detail is just beyond understanding. His recent painting is of their good friend, Lylah. Check out his website.