Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A Swish of Wind

It seems like only yesterday that mama raccoon carried her 4 kits to the front water fountain, presumably to show them where they might find water in the scorching heat, and now only one seems to have survived. I hope the cat food I've been giving him along with a bowl of water is enough to sustain him. He is so little and frail, and seems so alone in this world. Where are you mama? Has something happened to you? Your kit is having a rough time. But such is Nature. I noticed the cottontail that I threw a carrot to this morning is blind in one eye. The painted buntings are still here although for days I didn't see the male with his brilliantly colorful feathers. Soon the bunting family will be gone, until next year. The hummers are swarming and divebombing and always ready for a sweet refill. I counted six squirrels yesterday, lounging on tree limbs and trunks. A young cardinal crashed into the window right next to where I was sitting, so loud a crash that Pepe jumped from my lap to see what was going on. He was alive, just stunned, on the back porch. As usual when this happens, I grab a clean rag and and put the stunned bird in a box up high, safe from predators and especially fire ants, and watch as they recover their strength and take flight once again. He got into the plumbagos and I couldn't get to him, but I could hear the rustle of his movements as he tried to escape my rescue attempt. Suddenly in an instant I felt a swish of wind against my foot just in time to see him take flight to the nearest oak.

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